Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Home made HF transceiver improvements

I made some improvements.

  1. 1) A preamplifier was added. Gain is 12 db. The signals were just to weak on higher bands. It can be turned on and off using a switch on the front panel. I had some space left for it. Now it is getting really crowded inside.
  2. Filter for band pass tuning was replaced.The old one was too narrow.  I bought 15 xtals for 6 MHz. It took some fiddling to get a filter response that was wide enough and was flat enough.
  3. The pushbuttons that I bought on ebay were awful. They are break when pushed. However when push in to the max, the switch closed again. I have replaced them all by normal on/off switches.
  4. when switching from TX to RX the AGC attenuates maximal. It takes several seconds before audio is heard again. This was fixed by adding a transistor that empties a capacitor in the  AGC circuit when switching to RX.   
  5. 160 meter power output was just 250 milli Watt. I have change a capacitor in the driver. Now I get 3.5 Watts output.
  6. No more software crashes were seen after improving the software.