- 1) A preamplifier was added. Gain is 12 db. The signals were just to weak on higher bands. It can be turned on and off using a switch on the front panel. I had some space left for it. Now it is getting really crowded inside.
- Filter for band pass tuning was replaced.The old one was too narrow. I bought 15 xtals for 6 MHz. It took some fiddling to get a filter response that was wide enough and was flat enough.
- The pushbuttons that I bought on ebay were awful. They are break when pushed. However when push in to the max, the switch closed again. I have replaced them all by normal on/off switches.
- when switching from TX to RX the AGC attenuates maximal. It takes several seconds before audio is heard again. This was fixed by adding a transistor that empties a capacitor in the AGC circuit when switching to RX.
- 160 meter power output was just 250 milli Watt. I have change a capacitor in the driver. Now I get 3.5 Watts output.
- No more software crashes were seen after improving the software.
Homemade HF transceiver qrp
Homemade HF SSB/CW transceiver for 160 to 10 meter. Output must be 5 Watt. I will describe the progress of its development. It includes band pass tuning, noise blanker, dds, controlled by a PIC microcontroller
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Home made HF transceiver improvements
I made some improvements.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
AGC improvement and more
The AGC is too limited for HF. Strong signals are distorted.
I use the 1350p IF amplifier. It has 60db dynamic range that is not enough. So I added a voltage controlled attenuator to the input of the IF unit.
It is just a npn transistor. Collector is connected to the input. Emitter to ground .Voltage over the transistor is low so it works as a resistor.
By changing base current I can change the attenuation. I can reduce S9 +10db signals to S1signals.
Now when the AGC voltage for the 1350p exceeds 5.5 V the attenuator starts to work. It helps a lot.
Most distortion is gone. However I found the attack time of the AGC could be faster . That would help to increase audio quality.
It seems I found the problem in the software. I use the PIC 16F877. PORTB is configured as input. It is configured to generate an interrupt when one of the pins changes. Now according to the PIC datasheet I should not poll the port while it uses the interrupt. So I disabled interrupts while polling. This seems to help.
I use the 1350p IF amplifier. It has 60db dynamic range that is not enough. So I added a voltage controlled attenuator to the input of the IF unit.
It is just a npn transistor. Collector is connected to the input. Emitter to ground .Voltage over the transistor is low so it works as a resistor.
By changing base current I can change the attenuation. I can reduce S9 +10db signals to S1signals.
Now when the AGC voltage for the 1350p exceeds 5.5 V the attenuator starts to work. It helps a lot.
Most distortion is gone. However I found the attack time of the AGC could be faster . That would help to increase audio quality.
It seems I found the problem in the software. I use the PIC 16F877. PORTB is configured as input. It is configured to generate an interrupt when one of the pins changes. Now according to the PIC datasheet I should not poll the port while it uses the interrupt. So I disabled interrupts while polling. This seems to help.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
on air results
The set is not ready. However I have tested it on the antenna. Monitoring the signal on the spectrum analyzer.
I made a short QSO on 40 meter with a Russian station. Power was 2 Watts. Not bad. The same day I tried CW also on 40. Someone came back to my cq but the station faded away.
The next day I tried the reverse beacons. The signals were heard in several countries.
That is a good motivation to continue.
Now I have increased power a bit. It is still not optimal.
80 meter 3 Watts
40 meter 4 Watt
30 meter 3.5 Watt
20 meter 4 Watt
17 meter 3.5 Watt
15 Meter 5.5 Watt
12 Meter 4 Watt
10 Meter 2.5 Watt
Today I made 160 Meter work. TX Power needs to be improved. It is only 0.250 Watt.
I made a short QSO on 40 meter with a Russian station. Power was 2 Watts. Not bad. The same day I tried CW also on 40. Someone came back to my cq but the station faded away.
The next day I tried the reverse beacons. The signals were heard in several countries.
That is a good motivation to continue.
Now I have increased power a bit. It is still not optimal.
80 meter 3 Watts
40 meter 4 Watt
30 meter 3.5 Watt
20 meter 4 Watt
17 meter 3.5 Watt
15 Meter 5.5 Watt
12 Meter 4 Watt
10 Meter 2.5 Watt
Today I made 160 Meter work. TX Power needs to be improved. It is only 0.250 Watt.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Transmitter improvements
I spend some time to improve the transmitter.
Low pass filter for14 MHz and 18 MHz caused too much attenuation of the signal. So I rebuild I. Using a different design and component values. Now it works fine.
CW while key was up resulted in a signals at -40 dbc. This was cause by the sideband oscillator.
I have changes the software and hardware to turn it off this oscillator during CW TX.
Now It works fine.
SSB signal sounds clean although I think it can be improved by optimizing the compression level in the speech processor.
Output for 80 and 40 meter can be improved. I may have to rebuild the low pass filters. But also the driver can be improved. At keydow it produces 3 watt on 80 meter. After a second it drops to 2 Watts. Same thing happens on 40 meter. This must be investigated.
It looks the microphone wiring picks up too much signal when an antenna is connected.
This signal is rectified and is audio then, that causes oscillation. Microphone input circuit must be adapted. adding some filters may do the trick. I have to test
Low pass filter for14 MHz and 18 MHz caused too much attenuation of the signal. So I rebuild I. Using a different design and component values. Now it works fine.
CW while key was up resulted in a signals at -40 dbc. This was cause by the sideband oscillator.
I have changes the software and hardware to turn it off this oscillator during CW TX.
Now It works fine.
SSB signal sounds clean although I think it can be improved by optimizing the compression level in the speech processor.
Output for 80 and 40 meter can be improved. I may have to rebuild the low pass filters. But also the driver can be improved. At keydow it produces 3 watt on 80 meter. After a second it drops to 2 Watts. Same thing happens on 40 meter. This must be investigated.
It looks the microphone wiring picks up too much signal when an antenna is connected.
This signal is rectified and is audio then, that causes oscillation. Microphone input circuit must be adapted. adding some filters may do the trick. I have to test
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Receiver Improvenents.
All modules are build in. Now it is debugging time.
First I made the receiver operational.
Some problems that I had:
The first SSB xtal filter at 9 MHz contains just 4 xtals. The shape factor can be improved.
The second xtal filter is at 6MHz that is used for passband tuning. It also contains 4 xtalsThe bandwidth is not optimal for SSB. It is usable but it should be wider. Now it is 2 KHz wide at -6 db. It is usable but not optimal. Shape factor is not really good so SSB signals can be heard.
In the future I will rebuild these xtal filters to optimize performance.
A problem that needs to be solved is the software. Sometimes the display or the microcontroller crashes/hangs. It seems to be related with the new pushbuttons that I use. During development I was using on/off switches .No crash was seen back then. The pushbuttons suffer from bouncing.
Now the receiver works but it needs improvement.
But first I will make the transmitter work. Then the transceiver is usable.
After that the improvements will be made one by one.
First I made the receiver operational.
Some problems that I had:
- Audio distorted.
- Banpass tuning not enough range to be useful for USB
- Attenuation of first xtal filer too high.
- First xtal filter in not wide enough for SSB.
- Oscillation in audio path.
The first SSB xtal filter at 9 MHz contains just 4 xtals. The shape factor can be improved.
The second xtal filter is at 6MHz that is used for passband tuning. It also contains 4 xtalsThe bandwidth is not optimal for SSB. It is usable but it should be wider. Now it is 2 KHz wide at -6 db. It is usable but not optimal. Shape factor is not really good so SSB signals can be heard.
In the future I will rebuild these xtal filters to optimize performance.
A problem that needs to be solved is the software. Sometimes the display or the microcontroller crashes/hangs. It seems to be related with the new pushbuttons that I use. During development I was using on/off switches .No crash was seen back then. The pushbuttons suffer from bouncing.
Now the receiver works but it needs improvement.
But first I will make the transmitter work. Then the transceiver is usable.
After that the improvements will be made one by one.
All modules build in
All modules are build in the transceiver. It is complete now.
Now I need to make them all work together.
Now I need to make them all work together.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
I have build the driver. It seems to work fine.
I used a 1350p as variable gain amplifier. The signal out of the 1350p is amplified by a MAR2.
Finally the signal is boosted to 10 milli Watt by a vhf power transistor that I happened to have. A 2n2219 would do as well. It works in class A
The signal is detected at the collector of the vhf transistor. This signal is fed back to the 11350p input.
After some fiddling with components values the output was constant between 1.8 and 30 MHz.
I have applied a 2 tone signal. to test the linearity. It looks good on the scope. I have repeated this test on all HF bands an 160 meter. It looks good at all those bands.
I have to test how the signal sounds when real speech is used. This concept works a speech compressor. So I have to use real speech to test it. I don't expect problems. I may have to play a bit with the attack and decay times. Now it has fast attack and slow decay.
The amplification is quite high. I only need a few millivolts to get 10 milli Watt. The signal out of the bandfilters is about 10 times stronger so I need some attenuation.
I used a 1350p as variable gain amplifier. The signal out of the 1350p is amplified by a MAR2.
Finally the signal is boosted to 10 milli Watt by a vhf power transistor that I happened to have. A 2n2219 would do as well. It works in class A
The signal is detected at the collector of the vhf transistor. This signal is fed back to the 11350p input.
After some fiddling with components values the output was constant between 1.8 and 30 MHz.
I have applied a 2 tone signal. to test the linearity. It looks good on the scope. I have repeated this test on all HF bands an 160 meter. It looks good at all those bands.
I have to test how the signal sounds when real speech is used. This concept works a speech compressor. So I have to use real speech to test it. I don't expect problems. I may have to play a bit with the attack and decay times. Now it has fast attack and slow decay.
The amplification is quite high. I only need a few millivolts to get 10 milli Watt. The signal out of the bandfilters is about 10 times stronger so I need some attenuation.
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